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What People Have to Say About Melanie's Workshops
"If Republicans spoke more like Ms. Sturm, I would consider becoming a Republican - and so would many others." 
— Alan Dershowitz, Pitkin County Lincoln Day Dinner
Participant Feedback


"Melanie is not just a gifted messaging coach, she is without peer. She masterfully teaches us how to persuade voters to think our way. Research, delivery and the close are what the movement needs now, more than ever. Melanie has the one, two, three punch!"

"Melanie’s workshop is as entertaining as it is instructive. She is a bold and innovative master of words and persuasive messaging, something our party and movement needs desperately."

Click below to read the following articles:
GOP Candidates and Political Activists Must Embrace Messaging Experts Like Melanie Sturm
Champion Women: Melanie Sturm

Engagement Calendar

(check back for continuous updates on future workshops)

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